Monday, February 23, 2009

Could it be possible? (Part One)

Hey friends. I am thinking this is going to be a long blog so I will release in two parts. Here is part one!

Took awhile to break away and blog today but WAY too many thoughts going through my mind. Good thoughts. Challenging thoughts. Reflective thoughts.

I spent the weekend in Bryan, TX, with friends at First United Methodist Church in Bryan. It was such a recharge for me to be with that church family and speak to the youth at their youth Sunday service. I recently spoke in my own church on the desert and the need to know that, 1) it exists for us all and 2) no matter where we are in it, we are never alone. As I prayed and searched out direction for what I should speak on, God led me to the "desert" message and, honestly, I wasn't quite sure why. But afterwards, it was was very revealed that there was a need for many to hear it. Beautiful stories came from the service. I think a favorite came in the form of a grandmother who grabbed me at the conclusion of the service. She looked me square in the eyes and said, "You're weird". It caught me off guard and I just kind of laughed and said, "i'm sorry?" And then she repeated the compliment. "I said you're weird. But you know what? My grandson is too and he needed to hear what you had to say today. I am going to fill him in on all of it." She then just gave me this hug that I didn't know a grandmother was capapble of giving! Crazy strong bear hug. So the moral of the story is, "Embrace your weirdness. God will use it for His glory!"

Grace and Peace!


Coming up next... this quote from part two...

"Be careful when you can hear the word of God and do nothing. Because it quickly becomes a habit. And that is a scary habit to have in your life. When you can hear a sermon, get convicted by it and then do nothing."

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