Monday, January 24, 2011

Good news. It's not about you.

“Be still and know that I am God. I will be lifted up among the nations. I will be exalted among the earth.” Psalm 46:10

I must confess. Sometimes I am guilty of only knowing half of the story. Maybe I should explain.

I recently was reminded of a passage that God brought to my attention found in Psalms 46:10. If you know me then it shouldn’t surprise you to know that I have always been known to be a bit hyperactive. It just takes a glance at my hairstyle to see that (it doesn’t lay down. Ever.) So I have always loved the verse that reads, “Be still and know that I God.” Slow down. Be still. Reflect on His goodness. But a friend asked me one day if I knew the rest of that verse. Upon further investigation it reads, “I will be praised in all the nations; I will be praised throughout the earth.” (NCV) Then it hit me. Being still and reflecting is only half of it. The other half, and possibly the most important part: it’s not about me. This life, this purpose we have on earth really isn’t about creating a name for ourselves. It is solely about lifting up the name of Jesus and knowing who all the glory goes to.

When I meditate on that passage, I must admit. It makes me feel small, but in the same breath it is amazing to know that the Creator of the universe, the one who breathed the stars into existence and created me, has called me to make His name great in my lifetime.

So today, hear the “rest of the story”: Be still and know… that it is not about you.

Let’s pray.
Father, may we find comfort in knowing that amidst the busyness of our lives, we all need to slow down enough to know not just who we are, but whose we are. Amen

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